Thursday, January 9, 2014


What do you love to do in life?
Help people?
Make others laugh?
Drive large machinery?
Talk on the phone?

Why not work toward doing something that helps you do what you love...and get paid as a bonus?

Some may say, "Yes, but I don't know how or where to start." Others may say, "I just want to win the lottery and live in a large beach house somewhere without cares."

So where does one start? One starts with "SELF." Begin to do what you love as a hobby. Put time toward it everyday. Think about how much time and effort you put toward making your hourly pay in the job/career you're in. Those on salary should break their income down and figure out their hourly rate. Can you put forth that amount of effort for at least an hour or two a week pursuing what you love?

Everyone wants to win the "lottery." Too few realize that there are many types of "lotteries" to be won that they only focus on the monetary ones. Money can truly make some things in life easier, but if you concentrate on only that, then you'll always be chasing that dollar. If, instead, you chase what makes you happy you'll eventually feel a completeness within.

Confucius once said, "Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life." What Confucius meant was if you choose a job you love, then you'll never feel like it's trading time for a paycheck because you’ll enjoy every thing you’re doing.

In my opinion, that's truly winning the lottery.


  1. Very true and inspiring. I will use this while I pursue my career in the field that fits me and I'm happy with. Tha j's Dan
